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Finally, curbing misselling is a thing that is gaining important. Misselling of mutual funds will henceforth attract penal provisions. SEBI has brought the acts of misselling under the the Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices regulations. This is the same treatment as other activities currently considered serious such as stock price manipulation and front-running, IPO cartel. SEBI can take punishable action against those involved in selling mutual funds making use of a false or misleading statement. Riskpro believes that this is a good move. Currently financial participant by rural and some urban population is low, because they don't have the trust in financial advisors on what is right or wrong for them. With this step in the right direction, people will have more trust and faith in what is being told to them. And once the trust is won, savings will get channelised in the capital markets. Putting a stop to misselling is very important for deepening the capital markets.